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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most common questions about ineda's features, payment and more.

Buying on ineda

Fees and charges

Shipping and delivery

Returns and Warranty

Products New and Refurbished

Becoming a seller

Buying products with ineda (How does ineda work)

- Step 1 - Find a product that your looking to buy

- Step 2 - Submit the price that you're willing to pay for the product (you can check existing offers that customers have posted for that product and get an indication on what others are bidding)

- Step 3 - Wait for the seller to Accept or reject your offer.

How many times can I offer on a product?

Usually you should be submitting your highest offer that your willing to pay for the product. If your offer has been rejected, you have one further opportunity to update the offer amount.

What happens if I my offer isn't accepted by the seller and I don't want to miss out?

You can go back and buy it for the Listed amount or try increasing your offer closer to the Listed price.

Is it necessary to have an account to request a deal on ineda?

Yes, you must create an account before posting an offer on ineda. This allows the seller to verify that the offer is live and real.

Once I submit my offer on ineda and my offer is accepted, do I need to finalise the transaction?

Yes, this is a live platform and when your making the offer (offer) you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

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