50PK Neoprene 43.5mm Clone Collars Soft Polymer Pucks for Growing/Cloning Plants
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Neoprene Collars 43.5mm for Growing or Cloning [50 pack]
Neoprene Clone Collars are soft polymer pucks for growing plants out, or cloning - packs of 50. The pucks are created in sterile conditions, suitable for use in clean cuttings area wherebacteria and dirt would be a big problem.
These suit the Hydroponic and Aquaponic growing methods DWC, NFT and aeroponics. Neoprene collars also suit Cloning systems like the Turbo Klone (48mm diameter pucks).
Benefits of the Clone Collars / Pucks
Manufacturedfromsterile material
Engineered to protect and hold your cuttings upright
Stems of cuttings are completely unrestricted inside a misting chamber or water
Diameter of the collars range insizes from 38.5mm to 48mm, all in packs of 50
Thickness of the collars is 20mm
Turbo Klones use 48mm pucks
Seahawk Clone Stationsuse 48mm pucks
Product Code2471
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